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Previous Events

March 2023: New Zealands Failing Economy

Panel discussion with Dr Oliver Hartwich (Executive Director if The New Zealand Initiative, a public policy think tank)

For details , event photos and video click here

Interview on Reality Check Radio/Paul Brennan and Dr Oliver Hartwich

Interview Leighton Smith with Dr Oliver Hartwich

November 2022: Education or Indoctrination?

Panel discussion with Jacquie Johnson, Alwyn Poole and Prof. Elizabeth Rata, MC Mark Perratt

For details , event photos and video click here

September 2022: UN Agenda 2030 – Fact or Fiction?

Panel discussion with Jaspreet Boparai, Gill Booth, Julian Batchelor and MC David Leon

For details, event photos and video click here.

August 2022: Winston Peters on ‘Democracy Not Co-Governance’

Winston Peters shared a national perspective and offered local solutions.

To watch his speech & view event photos click here.

July 2022: ‘Democracy Not Co-Governance – Learn What Is At Stake’

for report in local Mahurangi Matters click here
for details & event photos click here