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UN Agenda 2030 – Fact or Fiction?

September 2022

UN Agenda 2030 – Fact or Fiction?

Video Agenda 2030 – Fact or Fiction Part 1

Video Agenda 2030 – Fact or Fiction Part 2

Panel discussion with Jaspreet Boparai, Gill Booth, Julian Batchelor and MC David Leon

Jaspreet Boparai is a dairy farming wife and mum of two young kids (5+7yrs), based in the backwaters of rural Southland , minutes from the Southern Ocean. She has a degree in accounting and worked in financial services, mortgage underwriting as well as farming.

Coming from a family that’s served in the Indian army with honor for generations, she’s the daughter of a retired Lt Col and sister of a serving Colonel. Her father was posted in Somalia with a 5000-strong Indian contingent under the aegis of the United Nations in the early 90s and thus began Jaspreet’s interest in the UN/globalism etc.

Link to Jaspreet’s presentation

Gill  Booth, a long time wife, and mother of 2 adult children:
My parents were both teenagers through WW2. One in Britain one in Holland. Their love of history, own lived experience, sharp intelligence, combined with a strong Judao Christian ethic and the guidance to question everything has brought me to here and now. The alarming rise of the UN and WEF Agendas within New Zealand’s governance is for me a challenge to be taken up, a fight to be fought and a Hill worth dying on.

Julian has got a Masters degree in Educational Psychology.His achievements include: Massey University Scholar (top scholar at Massey University), published author of over 10 books, published his own newspaper in Auckland for 5 years, spent 25 years traveling the world as a speaker, currently owner and manager of a boutique accommodation business in the Bay of Island (Okebaylodge), political activist with a passion to save New Zealand from imploding.

Article of Julian

David is an International speaker, Entrepreneur and best-selling author of multiple books. He has presented on the international stage alongside Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and Robert Kiyosaki to name a few. He also became a real state expert while living in Spain, UK and NZ and is now one of NZ’s most experienced property traders. He and his family moved to our Matakana region about 3 years ago. We are very lucky to have David bringing his global expertise to this very special event!

Japreet and Gill
Jaspreet Boparai & Gill Booth
Julian Batchelor

David Leon | MC