Unify NZ is a newly formed group of business professionals from a wide range of backgrounds based in the greater Warkworth & Auckland North region. We believe the time is right for those who hold positions of power and influence to use their voices passionately to make a difference, to be proactive, to forge new paths forward. Pathways which honour human rights, freedom, justice, respect of others and most importantly unifies the people of New Zealand.
We are a peaceful, non-political group committed to seeking and offering solutions to the government’s current direction.
Contact: info@unifynz.org
It is crucial to collaborate, to collectively work together, to share and discuss those things which are important and topics that impact New Zealanders free from the fear of censorship and negative labeling.
Issues such as:
- Co-Governance
- Three Waters
- The Hauraki Gulf Forum
- Anticipated food and fuel shortages
- Human Rights
- Health
- Digital ID
- Media Sellout & Censorship
- NZ Economics
- Climate Change
are just a few of the topics we intend to investigate with you.
Our website is in the embryonic stages primarily promoting upcoming
Events plus encouraging every person to do their own research through our
Resources page which offers links to key groups plus critical topics.
Feel free to use our Contact page for any queries or contact you would like to make.
As we are dependent on donations and/or sponsorships, your support would be very much appreciated: